If you’d like to add your own story to this site I’d be willing to create a ‘Personal Stories’ page/area where people can contribute. If you have any helpful lessons for others that you’d like to share or you think they’d be of benefit to others, from your own experiences, just let me know.
If you’ve come across anything which helped you more than anything else on your journey or even just the steps you took to get your ex back or move on without your ex, get in touch.Even if you’re still in the middle of a break up and everything’s still raw, it can help to talk.
You can email me direct on: info @ how to fix a break up . com (without the spaces!) and let me know if you’re interested and the kind of thing you would like to add. If I get a few I’ll start a page for you all.
Let me know what you think and if you think its a good idea or not. If you have an even better idea I would love to hear that too!!
PS. If there’s anything you’d personally like to see this site do better or add/take away feel free to get in touch at the address above. I’m always looking for ways to improve the experience here at howtofixabreakup.com
Thanks for reading and don’t forget I’m rooting for you!